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المطور: cAppito App Development

CoDeAn was born from the idea to create a tool for students and engineers to quickly familiarize themselves with basic theories in the field of structural mechanics of composite laminates: classical laminated plate theory, first-ply failure criteria and plate buckling. The app consists of two libraries, four analysis modules and many extra features:

1. Material library: in this library the user can define the different materials, or plies, that are stacked in the laminated plates by storing their stiffness and strength properties thereby creating a database of ply materials.
2. Laminate library: in this library you can define different laminated plates by combining the plies from the material library in any specific order thereby creating a database of laminated plates.

1. Laminated plate theory: this module allows you to quickly see the results of calculations performed in classical laminated-plate theory like ABD-matrix, compliance (abd-)matrix and laminate structural properties.
2. Strength check: in this module you can define the loads exerted on the laminate and quickly see whether the laminate fails according to five different failure criteria (maximum stress, maximum strain, Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu and Hashin-Rotem failure theory).
3. Strength determination: in this module you can define the ratio between the different loads on the laminate and the algorithm will determine the strength of the laminate according to the different failure theories.
4. Plate buckling: in this module you can define a plate and choose from a list of eleven combinations of boundary conditions and applied loads and let the app determine the critical buckling load for you.

- In all analysis modules you can either inspect a complete and detailed results overview for individual laminates or you can compare specific values for a set of laminates in interactive bar plots.
- Easily share or import your results from CoDeAn in your reports by using the export functions to save your plots in the photo library or export data and plots directly by e-mail.

The free version of CoDeAn is meant as a showcase to indicate the capabilities of the application mentioned in this description. If you want to acquire the full functionality then you can do this via an in-app purchase upgrade.

** In-App Pro upgrade features
• Creation of an unlimited amount of materials and laminates in the libraries.
• Calculation of extra variables (B-, D-, b- and d-matrices, laminate stiffnesses and Poissons ratios) associated with Classical Laminated Plate Theory.
• Creation of complete six-entry (Nx, Ny, Nxy, Mx, My, Mxy) load vector in strength modules.
• Calculation of three extra failure theories (Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu, Hashin-Rotem) in strength modules.
• Ten extra load and BCs combinations and adjustable plate dimensions for plate buckling analysis.
• Exporting analysis results by email and to photo album.